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"New York Baguette"
120 BPM
#french #happy #romantic
#travel #uplifting #france

Write lyrics, create a melody
and sing over a pop music track
for a chance to win amazing prizes!
Thanks for Voting!
Voting is now closed.
Winner announcement will be on 25 February 2025


Who can participate in the Singing + contest?The contest is open to participants worldwide, except for residents of Belarus, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan, due to prize shipping restrictions. Participants must also be at least 18 years old or have written parental consent if younger.
What are the requirements for my submission?Each submission must include: A recording of your performance (MP3 or MP4 preferred). The lyrics in text format (PDF, DOC, or plain text). A translation of the lyrics if they are not in English. An optional brief description of your creative process.
How do I submit my entry?Submissions must be sent through the official submission form on the contest website. Participants must also confirm that they have subscribed to Dar Golan's YouTube channel by ticking a checkbox in the submission form.
Can I modify the provided pop track?No, participants may not modify or remix the track but may add harmonies or vocal effects. Reverb and delay are allowed but should be used subtly and tastefully. Auto-tune and other heavy vocal effects are prohibited.
Are there any file size or quality requirements?Yes, audio files should be high-quality and not exceed 10MB per file.
Can I use AI tools for creating my submission?No, the use of AI for lyrics, melody creation, or singing is strictly prohibited.
When does the contest start and end?The contest launches on 09 January 2025. The submission deadline is 20 February 2025. Late submissions will not be accepted. The winners will be announced on 28 February 2025 (CET)
How will my submission be judged?Submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Singing (30%): Vocal technique, clarity, and emotional impact. Melody (30%): Creativity, originality, and fit with the provided track. Lyrics (30%): Originality, message, and how well they complement the melody. People's Vote (10%): Based on audience preferences through public voting.
Who will judge the contest?Dar Golan will be the sole judge, and his decision is final. In case of a tie, Dar Golan will make the final decision.
For any questions or issues, please contact
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